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This Week At Bethel

This Sunday


This Sunday we continue our Lent sermon series through the life of Joseph by reflecting on what makes forgiveness possible. Joseph, by God’s grace, is in a unique position to provide for his family since famine has spread across the land. However, Joseph and his family remain unhealed for the painful betrayal that took place when he was young. Now God in his mercy shows us how, as they face their past, we can also face ours, because Christ has forgiven us and now makes transformative reconciliation possible.


The message this Sunday will focus on Genesis 42-45, "Famine and Forgiveness”


*Reminder: We are embracing a Lent challenge this year in the weeks leading up to Easter. For details, please visit our Lent resources page here. (And keep it up!)


Following the message, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. For those attending in-person, we will pass around the elements with plates and baskets. When you receive them, please wait to eat and drink together at the same time. We welcome you to use the time for singing, prayer and reflection. Gluten-free bread is available for those who desire this option. Also, you may leave the disposable cups in the pews to be collected later.


For everyone online, please have communion elements ready at home (bread, juice/wine) to join with us in sharing the meal. You can partake of the elements at home while they are being served in the sanctuary.


We look forward to celebrating Christ’s meal of grace with you Sunday. Please prepare you hearts for this time of remembrance and celebration in light of our forgiveness through the cross.

Our Sunday Offerings:


  1. BETHEL MINISTRIES AND MISSION: The minstries and programs of Bethel

  2. MINISTRY SHARES: is a cooperative venture of all CRC churches in Canada to send missionaries around the world, start new churches, resource congregations, train pastors and leaders, and use media to spread the gospel. The pooled resources allow the church to do more together than an individual church could do on its own. For more information→



March 2 Refugee Committee

March 9 Mexico Missions Partnership

March 16 Resonate Global Mission

March 23 World Renew

March 30 Ministry Shares






Church Family News & Prayer Requests:


​THANK YOU BETHEL!: Thank-you to everyone for all your support the past month. It was a very hard few weeks and through it all, we felt your prayers. For all the calls, visits, meals, and cards, thank you. It meant the world to us. John and Grace Vleeming


Please continue to remember CALVIN BRUINSMA, CURTIS COENEN, JENNY PENFOLD, and ELEANOR PROKUDA as you pray for our church community.


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​​NOMINATIONS FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS: With the start of a new year, it's a good time to think about Bethel's mission. A key factor in fulfilling that mission relies on the many different people who serve in our church. Within that group are the church leaders (Elders and Deacons). Each year, a number of these leaders finish their terms and need to be replaced. That is where you come in. We need you to prayerfully consider who you think would make good, Christ-centered leaders for these different roles. To nominate someone, please send us an email with their name to

The individual you nominate must be a professing member of Bethel. To see our current list of elders and deacons visit our leadership page here. If you have any questions, please contact Arnold Groot.  The nomination deadline is Monday March 31, 2025.


LENT CONTINUES: We are embracing a Lent Challenge this year in the weeks leading up to Easter. For details about the challenge, discipleship practices, and more click here or visit the Lent 2025 resources page, at (under the sermon resources tab).


​SOUP-ER SUNDAY: Our next Souper Sunday potluck is coming April 6. To make this a successful event, we need people to sign up to bring soup, buns and to volunteer to help with setup, food prep, dishes and tear down. To sign up to help or to bring food please click here. We're also looking for someone to help with the organization of the potluck and volunteers. If you are interested in this role, please reach out to the church office


​DEACON REQUEST: Do you have a truck?  From time to time, people need to move or move large items, but they do not have a vehicle to accomplish the task!  Are you willing to be a driver to help people in the Bannerman area?   The people interested in moving will collect helpers for the moving adventure!  As a truck owner, you would just have to do the driving!  Interested?  Do you have questions?  Talk to Helen Krol or send her an email at




Bethel Youth:​​


​BETHEL YOUTH UPDATE: Bethel Community Church is looking for a Youth Ministry Director ( 20 hours a week) with the potential for more hours as the youth ministry grows. The successful candidate will be someone who can curate, promote and build an environment where teenagers are discipled in their faith and grow in community, as well as partner with and support families as they nurture their child’s spiritual walk. The candidate needs strong skills in leadership, volunteer recruitment, and administration duties. They should also have a passion for discipleship through Bible study, extra-curricular activities, and family ministry. If you’re interested, please visit Applications and inquiries about the position can be sent to



Community News:


​​​Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands: May 2025 marks the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands. To commemorate this historic and most significant event in Dutch history (and the personal history of so many immigrants and their descendants), the Canadian Military and the Dutch Community will honour this significant milestone with a planned commemoration that will take place on Sunday, May 4th. It will be preceded by a Church Service at 10:30 am at Holy Trinity Anglican, followed by a short march/walk to South Alberta Light Horse Park in Old Strathcona where the actual ceremony will take place. The 80th anniversary, as a major commemoration, will be the last time actual living soldiers who were part of the Canadian army, will be in attendance. The few that are left are now 100 years of age or older. Also, those who were liberated are now in their late 80’s or in their 90s. Thus, it will close a chapter of living history. Please consider attending.​



Dunamis Fellowship Canada (DFC) will be hosting Dunamis Essentials #2: In the Spirit’s Power at our very own Bethel Community Church starting the evening of April 10th to the evening of April 12th.  In the Spirit's Power explores the nature and use of spiritual gifts and cooperation with the Holy Spirit. Participants practice discernment in a safe environment. It covers three parts: Functional Gifts (Romans 12:6-8), helping discern individual gifts; Manifestational Gifts (1 Corinthians 12 & 14), examining their use; and Principles of Power Ministry, focusing on cooperating with the Holy Spirit for advancing the Kingdom of God. If you’re interested in finding out more, click hereLast day to register is April 3, 2025

To minimize expenses, donations of food including baked goods and meals (lunch and/or dinner) are needed.  Additionally, we are looking for people who can host out-of-town guests for 3-4 nights and assist with transportation to Bethel.  We’re expecting 30 – 35 people.


       If you could assist or have questions about any of these areas that would be greatly appreciated;
       please contact Jeannie Visser.


REHOBOTH CAMP VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Rehoboth Camp Ministry is a Christian summer camp for people with special needs from young children to seniors. We want to share the love of Jesus, provide a summer camp experience, build relationships, and give parents or guardians a week of respite. We are volunteerrun and are always looking for volunteers to make Camp happen! A willingness to be a friend and help someone have a positive Camp experience is all that is needed. If you are 14 years old and up, have a heart for serving others, and have a week to spare this summer, then we are the place for you! Check us out at to get more information!


​PREGNANCY CARE CENTRE: For 40 years, your support has brought hope and life to those facing unexpected pregnancies. Join us on April 12 to celebrate what we’ve accomplished together and look ahead to the work still to come. This milestone event isn’t just a reflection — it’s your opportunity to shape the next 40 years. Reserve your seat and be part of this life-changing mission! Email or click here for more information.


GOLF TOURNAMENT: Adeara's Golf Tournament is back for its second year on June 11! With Limited spots available we expect them to sell out fast! Click here to register


THE LIGHTHOUSE: You're invited to an Open House at The Lighthouse on Saturday, April 12, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at 11425 St. Albert Trail. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore our space, connect with our team, and learn more about the programs and services we offer. Enjoy refreshments, engage in meaningful conversations, and experience the welcoming atmosphere that makes The Lighthouse a special place. Whether you're a long-time supporter or new to our community, we look forward to seeing you and sharing what makes The Lighthouse unique.




Summer Camps at The King’s University: Summer Camps at King's are about exploring, creating, and developing new skills—all while learning from amazing mentors in a fun, encouraging, faith-based environment. Look forward to meeting new friends and making new memories! Register for one of our three or four-day sport camps or our five-day art and science camps today. Find more information at


Will Planning: A Christian Perspective – What if you could pay all of your estate costs, support your favorite charity, and still leave your entire estate to your children? Join us on Wendesday, April 9 at 7:00p.m. on King’s campus to learn how during this complimentary estate planning seminar. Included is a draw for one free will and estate consultation compliments of Lorne Penner, Ahlstrom Wright. Presented by John Kok CFP, RRC, CEA, CKA, MTS Navigator Ministries. Visit to register today.


​​STEVE BELL CONCERT: Christian singer-songwriter Steve Bell will be in St. Albert for a Solo Concert on Friday, April 25th at 7:30 p.m. at St. Albert Catholic Parish (7 St. Vital Ave). Tickets $25. There will also be a Psalms retreat on Saturday April 26th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at The Star of the North Retreat Centre. Visit for more info.


DIACONAL MINISTRIES CANADA JOB OPPORTUNITY: Diaconal Ministries Canada is currently accepting applications for the full-time position of National Director. The National Director is responsible for the integrity, viability, and quality of all components of Diaconal Ministries Canada including programs, communications, staff, promotion, and fiscal management. This person will oversee the development and use of effective tools and resources that will help us inspire, empower, and equip Deacons as they animate congregations to join in God’s transforming work in communities across Canada. Visit our website for more details and the full job description: *NEW Application deadline: March 28, 2025


EMMANUEL HOME - WHAT A SALE! Treasures thrift store at Emmanuel Home invites you to a thrift sale with racks of women’s clothing of all sizes, jewelry, scarves and other treasures. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of items that enrich the quality of life for our Residents. Come to Emmanuel Home, 13429 57 street, on Saturday, April 5 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and enjoy free coffee, fellowship and great thrift store deals. Cash only please and see you there!


JOYFUL NOISE CHOIR: REGISTRATION OPENS ONLINE APRIL 1 - Rehoboth Christian Ministries invites children entering grades 2-8 to register for openings in the Joyful Noise Choir for Fall, 2025.  This is a worship and leadership program that encourages children to use their gifts to help the disabled flourish in their communities. Children act as ambassadors for the organization as they lead worship in churches and participate in community events.  For more information see the choir’s web site: or


CRC NEWS: Check out what’s happening in the CRC community here


CRCNA ANNOUNCEMENTS: Connecting church members with the ministries of the denomination.  Find out more by visiting the website here.


Our Weekly Calendar

SUNDAY, March 30

10:00  a.m.   Worship - in person & live stream

​​MONDAY, March 31

7:00   p.m.      Prayer - Zoom


TUESDAY, April 1

5:15     p.m.     Dove Taekwondo

7:00    p.m.      Cadets



6:00    a.m.      Prayer – In-person & Zoom

9:30    p.m.      Oasis

7:00    p.m.       Women's Bible Study

8:00    p.m.      AA


THURSDAY,   April 3

12:30   p.m.     Food Bank
5:15     p.m.     Dove Taekwondo

7:00    p.m.     Worship Practice


FRIDAY, April 4​​

SATURDAY, April 5​​



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